

"Everyone talks about safety, everyone meets emergency"-Rongfa Group holds 2023 Safety Production Conference and "Safety Production Month" activity launching ceremony

June this year is the country's 22nd "safe production month". In order to steadily promote the safety production work of Rongfa Group, firmly establish the concept of safety development, and combine the actual safety production work, on June 3, 2023, Rongfa Group held the 2023 Safety Production Conference and the launching ceremony of the "Safety Production Month" activity.



At the launching ceremony, the group announced the activity plan of "safe production month" and introduced in detail the arrangement and deployment of various activities. According to the overall arrangement, during this year's "safe production month", Rongfa group will adhere to the principle of safety first and prevention first, continuously establish the awareness of safety red line, promote the implementation of safety production responsibility, and effectively improve the quality of risk investigation and rectification, effectively improve the strong willingness and ability to find and solve problems, continue to promote project safety production assessment and supervision, "hidden danger clearing" and other work, and plan activities with "everyone talks about safety, everyone will respond to emergencies" as the key content. Promote the implementation of various tasks in the form of a combination of online and offline activities. After that, the participants watched the warning education film and signed the safety production banner.



In the next step, Rongfa Group will take the "Safety Production Month" event as an opportunity to adhere to the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on safety production work as the guiding ideology, based on the four dimensions of responsibility implementation, risk prevention and control, safety culture, and supervision and inspection. Improve the level of emergency response and create a good atmosphere in which everyone is the first responsible person for safe production. Each project will also start with publicity and training, special rectification, emergency drills and other aspects, with a more comprehensive and profound understanding, more solid and effective measures to prevent the occurrence of all kinds of accidents, so that the "production Safety month" will become a "deepening month" for the establishment of a strong concept of safety production, and a "tackling month" for the implementation of production safety work, providing a solid security guarantee for the high-quality development of the group.

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