party-mass constructionPARTY BUILDING





Rongfa Group: Joint Construction Broadens Red Positions, Party Building Leads Urban Renewal


Deepening party building to lead grassroots governance and focusing on the key work of urban renewal is a vivid practice to fully implement the spirit of the Party's 20th National Congress. On the afternoon of May 17, the Party branch of Rongfa Group Engineering Center, the Party branch of Sansha Road utility tunnel of China Communications No.1 Public Bureau No.3 Company and the Party branch of Sansha Road utility tunnel of Xi 'an Railway Engineering Company of China Railway No.7 Bureau Group jointly launched the theme Party Day activity of "jointly building a red position, Party building leading and serving urban renewal", which has formed a new practice for strengthening Party building, leading grass-roots governance and promoting urban renewal.



Sansha Road comprehensive pipe corridor project is a key project of urban renewal and construction in Qingdao, and it is also a national civil air defense pilot project, which is of great significance to the national strategy of service integration and innovation. During the activity, party members and representatives from the three branches gathered at the Sansha Road Comprehensive Pipe Gallery Smart Site Smart Center to review the oath of joining the party, and focus on studying the important expositions related to urban renewal and construction and production safety in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Party. Strengthen ideals and beliefs and enhance party spirit. The majority of Party members should show their identities, fulfill their promises and set an example. They should take the joint construction of Party building at the grass-roots level as the starting point, implement the important concept of "people's city and people's city for the people", focus on solving the pain points and difficulties in the project construction, deeply tap the potential of the project, gather efforts to update the city, solve the problems, and ensure the smooth completion of the project according to the key nodes.



In the next step, the tripartite branches will be twisted into a rope to fully fulfill the social responsibilities of state-owned enterprises, demonstrate the responsibilities of state-owned enterprises, actively play their own political and resource advantages, further coordinate and coordinate, promote efficiently, and gather the red forces of vertical and horizontal coordination and joint management. Give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a battle fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and truly build the "red fortress" at the forefront, put the "red vanguard" in the front line of business, earnestly implement the task of building a livable, resilient and smart city, optimize the increment, improve the quality, further improve the urban function, improve the urban quality, improve the living environment, enhance the sense of happiness and gain of the masses, and contribute to the construction of a socialist modernization demonstration and leading area in the new era.

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