party-mass constructionPARTY BUILDING





"Plant" the hand of the son, and "plant" the future together-Rongfa Group organizes voluntary tree planting activities


Sowing new green with a spade to cultivate the soil and forge ahead with concerted efforts on a new journey. On the morning of March 12, on the occasion of the 45th Arbor Day, some cadres and employees of the Guzhenkou Core District Management Committee and Rongfa Group went to a certain garrison barracks to carry out voluntary tree planting activities to implement the "promotion of green development" with practical actions. Promote the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.



At the activity site, everyone was enthusiastic, rolled up their sleeves, dug holes with hoes, held saplings with hands, raised soil with shovels, covered soil and weeded, and tamped the soil layer. Each link was connected in an orderly manner, cooperated with tacit understanding, and worked in full swing. Through everyone's joint efforts, green seedlings such as white pine, cherry blossom, crape myrtle, begonia, black pine and so on settled in the camp area, glowing with vigor vitality. After the event, the head of the army presented pennants to the Guzhenkou core area management committee and Rongfa Group respectively, and expressed gratitude to the Guzhenkou core area and Rongfa Group for their contributions to the construction of the blue military port, green military camp, and beautiful navy city.



"Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains. Practicing the concept of green development cannot be just a simple slogan. It requires the efforts of each of us. We have planted saplings, and we have also planted the future and hope. We should take this as an opportunity to establish the concept of health, green and environmental protection in our daily work and life." Group municipal company staff representatives said. Since 2020, the core area of Guzhenkou has joined hands with Rongfa Group and the troops stationed in the area to continue to carry out co-construction activities with the theme of "voluntary tree planting into the military camp, military and land to build a green military port city", and has planted more than 100 mu of trees. to contribute to the promotion of the army's greening work and the improvement of the camp environment.

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