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The 2022 Network Security Promotion Week "Youth Learning Meeting" and Online Theme Cloud Class Training Successfully Held in New District

September 5-September 11, 2022 is the national network security publicity week. The theme of this network security week is "network security for the people, network security depends on the people". In order to further enhance the network security awareness of Youth League members in the region and create a safe, healthy, civilized and harmonious network environment, On September 6, the Youth League District Committee of West Coast New District, Huangdao District Taxation Bureau and Rongfa group jointly launched the "youth learning meeting" and online theme cloud class training activities.

The training targets are League cadres, Youth League members and good rural youth of grass-roots League organizations in the whole region. The training adopts the combination of online and offline teaching methods. Through network security theory classroom, exchange lectures, visit simulation and other forms, the training aims to enhance the Youth League members' awareness of safe Internet access, popularize network security knowledge, and gradually establish the understanding and coping skills of network security problems. Huangdao district tax bureau and small starfish art training school youth representatives in the training classroom on-site training.


The training meeting first invited 360 information security expert Wang Xuesong to introduce in detail the knowledge content about network security from the aspects of personal information security, wireless security, intelligent device security, data security, storage security, and network security threats under the new situation. Promote network security concepts, popularize network security knowledge, and promote network security skills in an easy-to-understand and popular way, vigorously promote the improvement of the whole society's network security awareness and protection skills, which is of great significance for maintaining national network security and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

After the training, the youth representatives of Huangdao District Tax Bureau and Xiaohaixing Art Training School visited the Qingdao Internet Information Integration Innovation Industry Base, Guzhenkou Exhibition Hall and Guzhenkou Education and Training Base of the Overall National Security Concept under Rongfa Group.

By holding this immersive special theme group day event, we will further guide the youth members to have a deeper understanding of the importance of network security and information protection, and fully understand the institutional advantages of the rapid development of my country's information industry. Everyone said one after another that as young people in the new era, they will play an exemplary and leading role, firmly establish a correct concept of network security, and earnestly enhance their sense of responsibility and mission in doing a good job in network security. call on the vast number of League members and young people in the region to be both Internet users and defenders of network security, and strive to improve their network security prevention skills, and contribute their youth to the construction of a clean and sunny cyberspace.

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