party-mass constructionPARTY BUILDING





Party Building Leads Aggregation, Joint Construction and Promotion-The Party Branch of Rongfa Group Engineering Center and the Party Branch of Huangdao Traffic Police Comprehensive Section Carry out Joint Construction and Co-construction Activities


On August 17, 2022, the Party Branch of Rongfa Group Engineering Center and the Party Branch of the Traffic Police Brigade of Huangdao Branch of Qingdao Public Security Bureau carried out cooperative and joint construction activities to jointly promote the integration of party building work into business, grassroots, and people's hearts, and actively explore the new situation. Under the new situation, the new model and new law of grassroots party building work will realize resource sharing, complementary advantages, and win-win cooperation, and write a new chapter in the joint construction and sharing of police and sharing.



This event is closely linked to the goal of creating a national civilized model city, combined with the deployment of the "Work Style Ability Improvement Year" activity, divided into four links: exchange of experience, visits and condolences, holding traffic safety lectures, and visits to clean government bases. Implementation, education interaction, problem co-research, activity co-integration, and clean peer six tasks, give full play to the fighting fortress role of grassroots party organizations and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, truly build the "red fortress" at the forefront of work, and put the "red top soldiers" on the front line of business.



This joint construction is a concrete practice to implement the deployment of grass-roots party building work, an effective carrier to realize the exchange and interaction between police and enterprises, and creates an atmosphere of one police and enterprises working together. it has formed the joint efforts of police and enterprises to grasp stability, promote development, and ensure safety, and opened a new chapter in police-enterprise cooperation.



In the future, the two sides will give full play to their respective advantages in resources and platforms, take the joint construction of party building as the guide, constantly enrich the forms of interaction between police and enterprises, continue to strengthen the depth, breadth and strength of the joint construction of police and enterprises, learn from each other, help each other, and effectively improve the creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of grass-roots party organizations, and work together to make new contributions to the high-quality development of the new area.

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