party-mass constructionPARTY BUILDING





Good news! Qingdao Rongfa Group was awarded "Shandong Provincial Civilized Unit"


Recently, the Shandong Provincial Spiritual Civilization Construction Committee issued the "Notice on Announcing the 2022 Provincial Civilized Units, Civilized Villages, Civilized Communities and the List of Provincial Civilized Campuses that were Qualified for Previous Review". Qingdao Rongfa Group won the 2022 "Provincial Civilized Unit" title.



As a state-owned enterprise in Qingdao West Coast New Area that specializes in undertaking the national strategy of integration and innovation, Rongfa Group has always regarded the construction of spiritual civilization as an important driving force and solid guarantee for high-quality development, taking the overall improvement of the level of civilized unit creation as the main line, and vigorously promoting the "Sunshine Rongfa, Dedication to Me" party building brand, in-depth implementation of the six major projects of "adhering to the leadership of party building, serving the national strategy, strengthening ideology, deepening the creation of civilization, practicing social responsibility, and promoting voluntary service", promote righteousness, establish a new style, and stimulate vitality, strive for first-class things, and only win the flag. A brand-new "spirit" and strong "positive energy" to promote major projects and promote enterprise reform and development ".

Since 2018, the group has made new breakthroughs in more than 300 major construction projects, with a total investment in fixed assets of more than 35 billion yuan; the total assets, operating income and profits and taxes of the enterprise have increased by 79 times, 75 times and 69 times respectively; it has been awarded the national integrity management demonstration unit, the national five-star integrity enterprise, the top 500 Chinese service enterprises, the national enterprise management modernization innovation achievement award, the first batch of national ideological and political course practice teaching base, Shandong social responsibility enterprise, Shandong marine awareness education base, Shandong red research base, Shandong primary and secondary school students research base, Qingdao annual most influential enterprise and other honors.



The award of "provincial civilized unit" is a full affirmation of Rongfa Group's years of deep cultivation of its main business, courageous responsibility and civilized creation. Rongfa Group will take this as an opportunity to deepen the creation of civilization with higher standards and stricter requirements, consolidate and disseminate the achievements of civilization, provide important support for strengthening the foundation and shaping the image, and serve the national strategy and the high-quality development of enterprises. Provide inexhaustible power.


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Company address: 388 Wheel Mountain Road, West Coast New District, Qingdao, China

Contact Phone:0532-85160055

Website record number: Lu ICP Bei 16050788 No. -2

Website Construction: Power of Chinese Enterprises Qingdao SEO Business License