party-mass constructionPARTY BUILDING





Rongfa and Kaitou jointly hold theme propaganda activities

On the morning of July 28, 2018, in order to commemorate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the party, in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and promote the interactive exchange of party building and cultural construction in state-owned enterprises, the party committee of Rongfa Group and the party committee of Kaitou In the Guzhenkou Military-civilian Integration Innovation Demonstration Zone, jointly organized a theme propaganda activity. About 200 members of the leadership team, party members, cadres and employees of Rongfa Group and Kaitou Group participated in the preaching activities.
At the propaganda activity, eight propagandists from the investment group closely followed the theme of "never forget the original intention and remember the mission", combined with the development of the enterprise and their own work, expressed their love and praise for the party and the country, the new area and the state-owned enterprises with sincere, beautiful and moving language, and a sunny, open and inclusive attitude, and expounded the mission of the times and job responsibilities, it explains the deep understanding of "Do not forget your initiative mind Keeping in Mind Mission.
They look back at their ideals and beliefs, praise the innovation of enterprises, admire the real work and think about the value of life. Their voices were impassioned and resounding, and their speeches were full of spirit and affection, like a poem with far-reaching artistic conception and a song full of emotion, which flowed into the hearts of the audience. it shows the sunny spirit of party members and cadres and workers in state-owned enterprises, the positive energy of striving for the first place, and the firm confidence of doing business, and warm applause broke out from time to time at the event.
After that, under the arrangement of the party committee of Rongfa Group and the leadership of the leadership team, the leadership team, cadres and employees of Kaitou Group visited the military-civilian integration exhibition hall, and observed the military support social service center, the first phase of the Qingdao Science and Education Park of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Navy Park. Major projects undertaken by Rongfa Group.
After the event, the party members, cadres and employees of Rongfa Group and Kaitou Group expressed that they will be guided by Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in the future study and work, and closely focus on the new area. The strategic deployment of "military-civilian integration, comprehensive management of the ocean, and building a beautiful new area", seize the development opportunities of the new area, concentrate, build powerful state-owned enterprises, sunshine state-owned enterprises, and responsible state-owned enterprises, and make due contributions to the district-owned state-owned enterprises to accelerate the construction of a beautiful new district on the west coast that is happy for the military and civilians, proud of cadres, and desirable, and to the 97th anniversary of the founding of the party and the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up with practical actions and outstanding achievements.

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