

Rongfa Group Held Mobilization Meeting on "30 Days of Great Drain, New Brilliance"

On the afternoon of July 12, 2018, Rongfa Group held a mobilization meeting of "30 days of hard work and new brilliance", calling on all cadres and employees to base on a new starting point and new situation, implement the decision-making and deployment of the New District Working Committee on promoting the development of military-civilian integration and making Rongfa Group bigger and stronger, so as to speed up the construction of key projects and market-oriented expansion, and promote the innovative development and leapfrog development of the group. Zhang Jinlou, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Group, attended and delivered a speech. Wang Wenjing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, presided over the meeting. Group leadership, middle-level cadres and project leaders attended the meeting.
The meeting pointed out that in the first half of this year, Rongfa Group closely focused on the decision-making and deployment of the New District Working Committee Management Committee, and made every effort to promote the infrastructure supporting and industrial park development and construction of the Guzhenkou Fusion Zone, especially in the "Guzhenkou Decisive Battle for 30 Days" and the "50 Days of Fighting in the New District" In the event, all cadres and employees lived on the front line, fought with passion, completed 380 tasks, renovate and build 15 roads with a total length of 36 kilometers, and add 850000 square meters of green area; complete the construction of exhibition halls and conference halls, and accelerate the construction of integration centers, military industrial parks, Qingdao Science and Education Park of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and public venues in the university city. It has made outstanding contributions to the construction and development of the Guzhenkou Fusion Zone, which proves that the cadres and employees of Rongfa are a team that can fight tough and win battles at critical times.
The meeting emphasized that military-civilian integration is a national strategy, and Qingdao is an important demonstration zone for military-civilian integration innovation. The new area is the core area of Qingdao military and civilian integration innovation demonstration zone, and its strategic position is very important. Rongfa Group is a first-level state-owned enterprise directly under the district established by the District Committee of the New District Working Committee in response to the national strategy of military-civilian integration and promoting the development of military-civilian integration. It undertakes the important task of developing military-civilian integration industry, promoting deep military-civilian integration, and building a national benchmark demonstration. The responsibility is very important and the mission is very glorious. Recently, the Management Committee of the New District Working Committee has put forward a series of higher hopes and requirements for the future development of Rongfa Group. All cadres and employees must seize strategic opportunities and effectively unify their thoughts, understanding and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the New District Working Committee Management Committee.
The meeting proposed that starting from today, the activity of "30 days of hard work and re-innovation and brilliance" will be launched. Six key projects, including the first phase of the Science and Education Park of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the first phase of the Fusion Center, the military industrial park, the placement of the No. 1 scientific research ship, the renovation of old barracks, and the widening of the west section of Haiya Road, will participate in the war. The meeting defined the specific decisive objectives, nodes, standards and responsible persons of each project.
The meeting called on all cadres and employees to change their concepts, firmly establish a sense of marketization and innovation, strengthen strategic cooperation with central enterprises, state-owned enterprises and industry leaders, and gather more advantageous resources, capital and funds to drive the group to become bigger and stronger. Second, we must fully participate and fully promote the construction of the project. The leading group should make a package of tackling key problems, on-site command and first-line dispatch; The person in charge of each project should be close to the front line, and the construction period should be reversed. All departments and offices should do their best to ensure relevant services. At the same time, it is necessary to tighten the string of safe production at all times, do a good job in civilized and safe construction, and do a good job in supervision, assessment and evaluation of key projects. Third, we must grasp the style of work and resolutely win the battle. Leading cadres at all levels should be led by the above rate, one level should be seen by the first level, and the first level should be led by the first level. The majority of party members should play a vanguard and exemplary role. All cadres and employees should act immediately, quickly enter a new state of combat, and earnestly practice. The work philosophy of "things do not last overnight, stand up, stand up, change, and do it right away" boosts the spirit of entrepreneurship. In terms of style, we should keep up with the leading group, take the lead in abiding by rules and regulations, keep the bottom line, strengthen honesty and self-discipline, be a person full of sunshine and positive energy, build a sunny and warm enterprise. With a brand-new mental state, brand-new work achievements and brand-new corporate image, we will make due contributions to the construction of the beautiful new area and the development and construction of the ancient town entrance integration area, and hand in an excellent answer to the management committee of the new area working committee and the people of the new area.
Chinese Academy of Sciences Qingdao Science and Education Park Phase I renderings
Fusion Center renderings
Military Industrial Park renderings
Effect Diagram of Resettlement Project of No.1 Scientific Expedition Ship
Effect Diagram of Old Barracks Renovation Project

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