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Play the role of enterprise management innovation, service integration and innovation national strategy-Rongfa Group won the national honor.


From April 13th to 14th, the 2023 National Enterprise Management Innovation Conference hosted by the China Enterprise Confederation and the China Entrepreneurs Association was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. With the theme of "Deepening Enterprise Management Innovation and Accelerating the Construction of World-Class Enterprises", the conference officially released and commended the achievements of the 28th and 29th National Enterprise Management Modernization Innovation on the spot. The selected units are all central enterprises and industry leaders. Enterprises and local large state-owned enterprises. Rongfa Group won the 29th National Enterprise Management Modernization Innovation Achievement Award for "Mixed Ownership Reform and Management of Private Shipbuilding Enterprises Controlled by Local State-owned Investment Platform Companies.



The selection of the National Enterprise Management Modernization Innovation Achievement Award is co-sponsored by the China Enterprise Confederation, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments., Release and promotion are the highest-level and most influential national-level achievements in the field of domestic enterprise management, and are known as the "Oscar" in the field of Chinese enterprise management innovation ".



As a local state-owned investment company specializing in the national strategy of service integration and innovation in Qingdao West Coast New Area, Rongfa Group will strategically reorganize the private shipping enterprise Beijing-Lu Shipping in a mixed reform mode in 2019. Through a series of combined punches such as capital operation, reform and innovation, and market expansion, Rongfa Group will promote the old enterprises to rapidly rejuvenate, with contract orders, operating income and net profit reaching new highs year after year. At the same time, the group deeply integrates and serves the national strategy, becoming a model of national integration and innovation development and a model of Jiaodong economic circle integration, and finally has been fully recognized and unanimously affirmed by the National Enterprise Management Modernization Innovation Achievement Review Committee.



Enterprise management innovation, always on the road. Rongfa Group will take this award as an opportunity to actively integrate into the overall situation of national and local development, conform to the general trend of the development of the times, follow the laws of market economy and the objective laws of corporate growth, and continue to explore management innovation paths suitable for its own characteristics, and empower enterprises to develop with high quality, Accelerate the construction of a national first-class integrated innovation professional investment platform.

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Company address: 388 Wheel Mountain Road, West Coast New District, Qingdao, China

Contact Phone:0532-85160055

Website record number: Lu ICP Bei 16050788 No. -2

Website Construction: Power of Chinese Enterprises Qingdao SEO Business License