party-mass constructionPARTY BUILDING





Rongfa Group: Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs and Inspiring Endeavour


On the afternoon of April 4, 2023, Rongfa Group and Qingdao Culture and Tourism Integration Development Group carried out the activity of "remembering the revolutionary martyrs and carrying forward the national spirit", organized young party members and League members to study and visit the Qingdao World War I site Museum and Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center, deeply mourn the revolutionary martyrs with practical actions, inherit the red gene, and draw on the strength of forge ahead.



Qingdao World War I Site Museum is the only battlefield site in the Far East of the First World War. There are a lot of war wounds and traces here. Entering the exhibition hall, the real pictures, objects, scenes and solemn atmosphere deeply touched every employee. Through modern science and technology, the exhibition hall has restored the scene of patriotic youth chanting slogans of the "May 4th Movement". Standing in the scene of restoration, we feel the integrity of countless promising young people crossing the times and crying for blood to protect their homes and countries.



Walking into the corridor of the times, the national soldiers killed in the rain of bullets will turn the anger of the people into the towering literati, the people who have always been hopeful for the rise of China ...... "History is the best textbook" Looking back at history, scenes full of humiliation and blood and tears reappear in front of us, always reminding the Chinese people not to forget the national humiliation, "swear to death, and strive to return my patriotism in Qingdao" spirit, the party members and youth of the group deeply realized the hard-won happiness of today's happy life on the spot, deeply touched the patriotism shown by the revolutionary martyrs, and strengthened their faith, belief and confidence.



Afterwards, the participants came to the Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center to visit, in-depth experience and learn Olympic knowledge, spread the Olympic spirit, comprehend the essence of "Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics, and Humanistic Olympics", and inspire employees to "love the motherland, love the ocean, and love The enthusiasm of the Olympics. Everyone said one after another that they should learn the "Olympic spirit" and "run faster and faster", and bloom more brilliance in the implementation of the national strategy of integration and innovation.



On the new journey, the majority of party members, cadres and employees of Rongfa Group will take this event as an opportunity to continue to carry forward the heroic spirit and the Olympic spirit, shoulder the mission, and always maintain the fearless struggle spirit of the revolutionaries, and muster a new journey and a new era. The spirit of the state-owned enterprises and state-owned capital will continue to become stronger, better and bigger, and provide important support for promoting economic and social development, ensuring and improving people's livelihood.

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Company address: 388 Wheel Mountain Road, West Coast New District, Qingdao, China

Contact Phone:0532-85160055

Website record number: Lu ICP Bei 16050788 No. -2

Website Construction: Power of Chinese Enterprises Qingdao SEO Business License